Cherie Coonce
Board Member
“To those who are given much, much is expected!”
That is Cherie’s motto, which she tries to practice whenever possible. Cherie joined the Wish Granters board in 2011 after hearing from one of her friends the amazing things that they did for dying adults. She lost her father to Parkinson’s disease and her mother to ovarian cancer, and has witnessed firsthand the impact illness makes on a family. “To come alongside a family and grant a wish, and leave the loved ones left behind a memory is something that I totally want to be a part of!” Cherie worked in radio for 20 years and learned the importance of making an impact for the community that supported her.
Cherie’s biggest contribution for Wish Granters has been at Valentine’s Day. Along with a dear friend, they create and sell over 100 handmade valentines each year. To date, they have raised close to $10,000 for Wish Granters: “For each card I design and then make, I know I am helping to grant a wish for someone terminally ill. That makes the hours of work more rewarding.”
Cherie is so excited about the future of Wish Granters and hopes to see it serve more counties in Idaho. She loves to be a part of wishes and watch the impact they make on families and friends: “I always take tissues, as each wish granted is such an emotional moment.”
Cherie served as Vice-President for 2 years and was elected President in 2019, serving for 2 years in that capacity.