Volunteer of the Year

We have SO MANY amazing people that help us, but there are a couple of people that we would like to recognize as our Volunteers of the Year. Your incredible support day in and day out makes a lasting impact on the lives that you touch and our organization as a whole. Your dedication is truly inspiring and means the world to us.


The Champion Award goes to Victoria Lawson – she is one of our biggest cheerleaders and advocates for us everywhere she goes. You can always find her being vocal about our mission, working the crowd at every event, because she has such a passion for what Wish Granters is all about. When asked why she supports, Wish Granters, this is what she said:
“I am so passionate about Wish Granters, as I know the gift of helping someone and their loved ones during such an emotional & fragile time in life. When I buried three of my immediate family members years ago, I remember and treasure all the angels that came in to help during my time of need, and am now honored to be able to pay it forward and support such a worthy cause!”
The Service Award goes to Klay Maxwell – he is a person that always steps up to the plate, whether it is helping with a wish, lugging around tables, chairs, boxes, tents, whatever it may be, for events or really whatever we need. He is our go-to guy! When asked why he supports Wish Granters, this is what he said:
“I have been working with Wish Granters for many years now, usually taking care of the landscape wishes and volunteering for fundraisers. The charity holds a special place in my heart because it has brought my family closer when we volunteer together to help others. Doug has been an inspiration to me with his selfless service to help other in the community.”
Thank you again to both of these incredible people – we could not do it without you!